Gratitude is a powerful thing. It can help people cope with difficult emotions, encourage them to become more generous and kind, and even help them sleep better at night. You might be wondering how gratitude could possibly do all that! The answer lies in the change in perspective that it can provide.
Gratitude improves sleep.
It’s easy to see why gratitude improves sleep: it makes you feel more relaxed and calm, which are two key components of quality rest. According to a study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health, teens who have a higher level of positive emotions like joy or contentment tend to have better sleep patterns than their peers who don’t experience as much positive emotion.[1] In other words, gratitude may be able to help your teen get through those tough nights when they’re not feeling well-rested!
Gratitude can boost your immune system.
How? A study from the University of California, Berkeley found that people who practice gratitude are happier and healthier than those who don’t. And when you’re happy, you might sleep better–and getting enough sleep is linked to improved immunity.
Gratitude can help you feel less depressed and anxious.
A study of 18- to 25-year-olds found that those who scored higher on a gratitude test were less likely to be depressed than those who scored lower. A second study found that college students who wrote about what they were grateful for had more positive moods and less negative ones compared with students who wrote about their daily irritations or neutral topics like their dorm room furnishings.
Gratitude helps you feel closer to other people.
If you’re grateful for your friends and family, it’s easier to appreciate their presence in your life. If you are grateful for nature, it’s easier to feel connected with the natural world around you. And if you’re grateful for your own body, it’s much easier to take care of yourself physically–and that includes eating healthy food and exercising regularly!
Liking yourself is important to being happy.
Being grateful for yourself can help you feel better about who you are and what you’ve accomplished. When teens have a strong sense of their own self-worth, they’re more likely to be confident and relaxed in social situations or when facing challenges alone. Gratitude also makes it easier for teens to recognize their strengths, which helps them build on those strengths instead of focusing on perceived weaknesses that may not even be weaknesses at all!
Gratitude helps us appreciate what we have now rather than always wanting more. This means that instead of feeling jealous when someone else gets something new or something exciting happens in their life, we’ll celebrate with them instead because we know how amazing it feels when good things happen too!
Gratitude makes people feel better, even if they’re struggling with hard times.
Gratitude is a powerful tool for teens. It can help them sleep better, feel less anxious and depressed, and even improve their immune systems. It can also help teens to feel closer to other people — which is important as teens navigate this stage in their lives where they’re trying to figure out who they are and what makes them happy.
Connect with a Mindhues Therapist to Learn More about Gratitude
A Mindhues therapist can help you get to deepen your sense of gratitude and find a greater appreciation for your life. Contact us today to get started.